Tank vs Tankless Water Heater: Which Should Homeowners Choose?

If you’re shopping for a replacement water heater, you will eventually have to decide between a tank vs. tankless water heater. There are advantages and disadvantages to each model, so we’ll break down the differences to help you decide which is the best choice for your home.

Tank vs Tankless Water Heaters: What’s The Difference?

The main difference between traditional tank water heaters and tankless water heaters is the tank. A tank water heater stores hot water in a cylinder storage tank, while a tankless model heats water on demand. Water heaters commonly use natural gas and electricity as their energy source.

A tank water heater is connected to a cold water supply and a gas or electric heat source. As the cold water is fed into the storage tank, the system starts heating the water. Once the water heats, it rises to the top of the tank and flows into your faucet.

On the other hand, a tankless system heats up the water as you need it. They are powered by gas or electricity and use a powerful heat exchanger to raise the temperature of incoming cold water on demand. When you turn on the hot water, the heated water flows through your pipes to the faucet at a preset temperature.

Tank Water Heaters

As the most common type of water heater, tank water heaters have several advantages for homeowners, such as:

  • • less expensive to purchase upfront
  • • higher tolerance for simultaneous usage when multiple people shower at once
  • • heats large volumes of water at once
  • • simpler to operate and repair

Here are some disadvantages homeowners should be aware of:

  • • wait time for heated water to refill
  • • lasts 10 to 15 years
  • • higher energy bill
  • • may develop leaks over time which can damage to your home
  • • take up more space in your home

Tankless Water Heaters

There are two types of tankless heaters: point-of-use and whole-house heaters. You will also choose between condensing and non-condensing capabilities. 

Here are the advantages of choosing tankless water heaters:

  • • more efficient 
  • • take up less space
  • • have a longer lifespan
  • • less potential for leaking 
  • • non-condensing tankless units can be less expensive

As you make your decision, consider these disadvantages as well: 

  • • higher upfront costs 
  • • may require changes to your home to accommodate the hot water heater such as installing a gas line
  • • not as widely available as tank models
  • • have a lag time for hot water
  • • condensing units may corrode over time

Tankless vs. Tank Water Heater: Which Is The Best Option?

Now that you know the differences between water heaters, which one is the right option for your home? If you’re looking for a quick installation with little to no maintenance, a tank water heater is probably best. However, if you’re interested in saving money on your energy bill and having a water heater that will last longer, consider a tankless heater.

Water Heater Repair & Replacement in the Seattle Area

Still not sure which option is right for you? Consult the professionals at ALLRED. We can guide you through your options and help you decide which is the best fit for your home. We’ll answer all of your questions and carry out a professional and prompt installation. Call to schedule an appointment.